Ethiopian Tourist Guides Professional Association (ETGPA)

About us

Registered by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Agency for Civil Society Organizations under registry number 4956 on June 19, 2020, the Ethiopian Tourist Guides Professional Association (ETGPA) operates as a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious professional association which represents legally registered and accredited national guides with diverse backgrounds, interests, and language abilities in Ethiopia.

ETGPA was primarily established to gain the respect and recognition of tourist guiding profession by the industry actors, to contribute for the development of Ethiopia’s tourism industry and to make professional contribution for the development of Ethiopia’s larger economy and as well as globally.

Since its establishment the association has been striving to create a positive and productive impact on the countries tourism landscape; as a result it successfully managed to gain the intended recognition from all industry actors including the ministry of Tourism (ETGPA is one of the key stakeholders of ministry of tourism) and it gained the participation right through the contribution of respected & valued ideas at a national policy designing level.  The association is highly engageg in various tourism-related activities, including conducting research and organizing short-term training sessions on topics crucial to Ethiopia’s tourism development.

ETGPA is also a full member of the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations.

ETGPA’s guiding Principles

Our organizational guiding principle emanates from our motto “The New Face of Ethiopian Tourism” which tries to introduce a new trend in Ethiopian tourism landscape with a greater determination & commitment of being the change agent that the industry needs since its establishment.

It is a house of focused professional (tourist guides) group involved in the tourism industry eager and willing to build networking and share knowledge, skill and experience. For the last 4 years, with such strong believe & action, it has accomplished a lot in meeting the motto of the association and will continue leaving its footprint with a better cooperation effort.

ETGPA introduced & launched the first ever collaborative work between industry actors (mainly associations) and is working tirelessly for its sustainability.

ETGPA’s Governance structure

The Ethiopian Tourist Guides Professional Association (ETGPA) has 228 active members and operates under a governance structure consisting of 7 executive committee members (ExeCoM) – including President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Public relation, Cashier and 1 board member – who are currently responsible for the day today activity of the association. The organizational structure of the association can be seen as follows:

The Executive Committee Members (ExeCoM), carefully elected by the general assembly (GA), serve as the highest decision-making body within ETGPA. They are tasked with providing overall strategic guidance, determining policy direction, and approving key documents such as the annual performance report and audited financial report. Additionally, they develop and endorse the annual plan and program of action.

ETGPA convenes a General Assembly (GA) meeting once a year. The GA provides strategic guidance to the Executive Committee Members and is responsible for electing volunteers to serve on the ECM. ECM members serve a maximum of two terms, totaling four years. The ECM acts as an oversight body for the General Assembly, offering policy directions and approving strategic issues.


Our vision is to become a center of skilled and altruistic tourist guide professionals, and be a hub of competent and selfless tourist guides in the process of becoming the driving key stakeholder of Ethiopian tourism.


ETGPA’s mission is to play a significant role in bringing changes to the tourism industry of Ethiopia using its diverse educational, cultural and language background and resources of the professional through the collaborative efforts of key stakeholders. Preserve and promote sustainability to Ethiopia’s historical, cultural, and natural attractions.

Specific Objectives

The Ethiopian Tourist Guides Professional Association (ETGPA) is formally registered under the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Agency for Civil Society Organizations with registry number 4956 on June 19, 2020, as a professional association with the following aims:

  • To safeguard the rights & benefits of its members
  • To advance Ethiopian tourism in collaboration with stakeholders
  • To produce ethical & selfless professionals to provide world class service to the tourism industry
  • To aspire elevating the standard of guides, making them internationally competitive in terms of personality, skills and knowledge
  • To Serve as a central meeting point for its members
  • To represent professional guides on national, continental and international stages
  • To create integrity among the professionals and stakeholders within the industry
  • To support the National Tourism transformation master plan


“The New Face of Ethiopian Tourism”


Professionalism, integrity, Punctuality, Efficiency, Transparency, Patriotism, Competency, Patience, expertise, ethics, inclusivity, collaboration, accountability, and Trust.

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